Top 6 Ways to Get Your Car Ready for Winter 2022 – 2023
Get your car ready for winter with these five simple tasks. This will ensure you have a trouble free winter driving experience near the Great Lakes.
News & Fun in Michigan
Get your car ready for winter with these five simple tasks. This will ensure you have a trouble free winter driving experience near the Great Lakes.
Pinnebog was once a large country cross roads town with a famous history. Now it’s almost faded away. One institution, Heck’s Bar keeps the town alive.
Native American Heritage Day 2022, is a day to honor the heritage, and culture of American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiian peoples.
Public transportation services in Tuscola County Michigan has evolved from oxcart, stagecoach, rail and bus. We look back at its evolution.
In the 1920s, there was a flurry of archaeological activity in Michigan to record and catalog Native American villages, garden beds, and burial mounds. As a result, the entire Saginaw Valley has 100s of identified sites. The identification, and looting, of Indian artifacts from burial mounds, was a common occurrence.
Those researching Michigan Genealogy have a new resource provided by the Archives of Michigan and the Michigan DNR. Over 10 million records including death and naturalization records, which family researchers use to learn more about their family’s history.
Michigan has about 50,000 car/deer collisions each year. The Huron County Sheriff urges caution, and we have six easy tips to help avoid catastrophe.
Flying from Detroit to Oslo completed that desire to travel and see more of the world. Especially if you have family or friends in-country. Oslo is also a genealogist haven for those doing family tree research.