7 Noteworthy DIY Wind Turbine Renewable Energy Projects You Can Do in a Weekend

It’s getting simple to make your own renewable energy source using material found in your home or even salvaged from an old washing machine or treadmill. We explored the web for some top ideas on what it would take to create a hobby turbine or solar panel that could actually offset some energy expenses at your farm, cabin, boat, or cottage.

7 Noteworthy DIY Wind Turbine Renewable Energy Projects You Can Do in a Weekend Read More

The Lake Huron Shipwreck of the Iron Chief

The picture post on our sister site about the huge dock in Forrestville gives rise to the question. Why did they name the boathouse the Iron Chief? A little exploring showed that there indeed was a ship with this unusual name but she was not made out of iron. Today, she lays in over a hundred feet of water off the shore of the Grindstone City in the Thumb Area Bottomland Preserve

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