This is another in our series inspired by fellow blogger Catherine Beeman. Catherine is an avid reader and book reviewer with ten years of bookselling experience. We have been sharing a series of Catherine’s Michigan Monday during the Spring and Summer of 2021. This week is crime writer-author, Steve Hamilton.

Steve Hamilton was made in Michigan; he was born in Detroit and attended both Lakeland High School and the University of Michigan. Most of his novels are crime and mystery taking place in the Upper Penninsula town of Paradise.
Michigan Author Steve Hamilton
Steve Hamilton is an acclaimed mystery author. He is one of only two writers to win Edgars for both Best First Novel and Best Novel. The New York Times placed his Alex McKnight series as notable books, and he’s put two recent titles on the New York Times bestseller list. I remember how I was ready to pay someone to write my dissertation just to spend more time exploring his writings.
His main character is Alex McKnight, an ex-cop who makes his living by renting out cabins in Michigan’s UP town of Paradise near Lake Superiors Whitefish Point. Circumstances and crime bring him back into crime-fighting as a hesitant private detective.
View the original article on Books In The Mitten – Michigan Monday – Steve Hamilton
I read his book, The Lock Artist. It was fantastic. The story line was so unique and the way that the reader finds out what happened to make the main character mute will just floor you. I didn’t know they’re making it into a movie. That will be awesome.