Wind Farm Secessionists

Lake Township Michigan

This post was published in May 2012 at the height of new zoning in Lake Township. While the split did not occur, it denotes the deep wounds that wind development can incur on a community.

Huron County, Michigan – Twenty-one large landowners, unhappy with the outcome of a public referendum vote in February which curtailed the unbridled development of wind turbines in the shoreline community are looking at succeeding from Lake Township. This move looks to attempt to circumvent the result which was 207 to 128 opposing development. There are approximately 320 families living in Lake.

The wind farm secessionists have hired attorney William Fahey of Okemos to request Lake and Chandler Townships form an arrangement utilizing Michigan Public Act 425 to conditionally transfer their properties to Chandler Township. This would allow energy companies such as DTE to use their land for wind energy development. If allowed, Lake Township’s area would shrink by 40% by ceding the land to Chandler Township. It’s also unclear if those not wishing to leave the township will be forced to also move to comply with the provision of contiguous borders outlined in the Act. The patch work of  landowners who wish to succeed are denoted in Pink in the map below.

Wind Farm Secessionists
Secessionist are denoted in Pink.

The issue will be discussed in a special meeting this evening, May 21st, at 7:30pm at the American Legion Hall at 4995 N. Caseville Road, Caseville, MI.

Michigan's Thumb ThumbWind

Michael Hardy

Michael is the owner of Thumbwind Publications LLC. It started in 2009 as a fun-loving site covering Michigan's Upper Thumb. Since then, he has expanded sites and range of content and established a loyal base of 60,000 visitors per month.

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4 thoughts on “Wind Farm Secessionists

  1. I started a reply, but this whole thing was so stacked against the voting majority, that I can’t even breathe right now. The pre- prepared motion by the treasurer to approve “negotiating” with Chandler to proceed with a wind turbine push … against the will of the voters …. which she struggled to read said it all. It was a done deal. VOTE be damned.

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