Wind Farm Regret: “What Have I Done”

“What Have I Done” A re-post from 2012 in which a Wisconsin farmer notes ” By signing that contract, I signed away the control of the family farm, and it’s the biggest regret I have ever experienced and will ever experience.”
ThumbWind Archive

Wind Farm Regret

A sad and disheartening story of wind farm regret of three Wisconsin farmer’s experiences with wind developers. The first is a personal narrative of Gary Steinich’s dealing with Florida Power and Light near the Wisconsin Town of Cambria. He outlines how he has lied too, sees huge portions of his land taken out of production, fields sub-divided by access roads and cable rights of way, removal of 1000’s tons of topsoil and how he has to ask permission to walk on his own property.

“By signing that contract, I signed away the control of the family farm, and it’s the biggest regret I have ever experienced and will ever experience.”

Gary Steinich, Cambria, Wisconsin. June 2011

Wind Farm Construction

An Open Letter to Other Farmers

This is an open letter first posted in 2011. It includes pictures of development taking place and an actual copy of the lease that Gary and his father signed. I truly recommended reading if you’re considering signing a wind farm lease.

Wind Farm

The important message here is to hire an attorney experienced with wind lease agreements and land zoning and mineral rights. The link below contains the full story of one family’s experience with wind farm developers. It’s an insightful story.

Wisconsin Farmers Regrets Saying Yes To Turbines

Regrets Continue in Minnesota

In Minnesota, a property rights group called Windlocked LLC has been purchasing wind rights in Southern Minnesota to halt the ongoing development of industrial wind farms.

An interesting note made by one of the farmers who signed a wind lease but now regrets it.

Landowners who sign the Lease only get $55 per acre. If you have a turbine in a 100-acre field, you only get $5,500?! That is less than HALF the going rate that is usually paid. That is NOT enough money to be compensated for the lights, noise, broken tile, and all of the pain associated with a wind farm. Basically it’s only 15 bushels of corn you need to raise per acre to equal the small wind payment, plus you won’t have to worry about hitting it with your spray plane or the crooked road tearing up your fields.

Dan Moore, Farmer and former windfarm developer and concerned citizen



Former Wind Developer Now Regrets His Involvement in Wind Energy

"What Have I Done" A re-post from 2012 in which a Wisconsin farmer notes " By  signing that contract, I signed away the control of the family  farm, and it's the biggest regret I have ever experienced and will ever experience."
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Michael Hardy

Michael is the owner of Thumbwind Publications LLC. It started in 2009 as a fun-loving site covering Michigan's Upper Thumb. Since then, he has expanded sites and range of content and established a loyal base of 60,000 visitors per month.

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3 thoughts on “Wind Farm Regret: “What Have I Done”

      1. Much appreciation for posting – I was looking for the essay and was having a difficult time finding it!

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