On a warm spring Friday afternoon on June 5th 2020, the state spotlight turned to Bad Axe, Michigan for a short period of time. Over 200 protesters turned up in front of the Huron County Michigan county building to express an awareness of the Black Lives Matter protests that are happening concurrently throughout the United States and throughout the globe.
As a precaution, the Bad Axe Police Chief David Rothe closed off parts of the road in front of the county building in order for the demonstration to safely occur. Chief Rothe and Huron County Sheriff Kelly Hanson were seen marching with the protesters along the street.

Despite an appearance by several individuals who opposed the protest in Bad Axe, the local police kept the indivduals separated, and peace was maintained as the march continued until about 6 pm when the crowds dissipated.

Witnesses describe the event as well organized, peaceful and focused. Despite rumors that hinted of potential problems there were no confrontations between any opposing groups.
The Black Lives Matter event was organized by various local and national civic groups including a predominately silent white community group Showing up for Racial Justice.
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Waste of time. You accomplish nothing by protesting and rioting in the streets. The only was you accomplish change is by having qualified personnel sit down with those that have the control over making the change. Most protesters have no idea what is needed.
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