The Michigan Department of Natural Resources will present preliminary redevelopment plans for Port Austin State Harbor during a virtual public information meeting on Tuesday, December 14, from 10:30 a.m. to noon.
New Docks & New Breakwater Slated for Port Austin Harbor

The conference will feature an overview of the results of the harbor wave research and marketing analysis, as well as preliminary redevelopment and design plans for the proposed docks and new breakwater choices. It will be hosted in collaboration with project consultants Edgewater Resources. During the meeting, attendees will have the opportunity to provide comments and ask questions.
“Gathering public input is a crucial step in the planning and redevelopment process,” said Brian Dunn, Port Austin State Harbor supervisor for the DNR Parks and Recreation Division. “We want to encourage those who have stayed at the harbor or are interested in this project to attend the meeting and provide feedback.”
Meeting details, the deadline for feedback
To attend the virtual meeting, visit or follow this link:
Join Microsoft Teams meeting
Or call (for audio only) +1 248-509-0316
Conference ID: 283 477 702#
The meeting will be recorded for anyone unable to attend. For more information on the plan or meeting, or to obtain a copy of the meeting recording, contact Brian Dunn at 989-738-8663 or Additional feedback on the plans also will be accepted at this email address through Dec. 28.
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