The ThumbWind website’s start for 2021 was the best. We had over 45,000 visitors come to the site to check out news, things to do, and places to see in Michigan’s Thumb. We had a 35% growth in month over month views over December visitor traffic. In 2020 we had a total of over 450,000 views, our best year ever.

Thumbwind continues to get requests for its content to appear on other news sites. These include Click-On-Detroit, The Detroit Free Press, The Minden City Herald, and others. Its also been picked up by Google News and Newsbreak. To most large, well-financed sites, that number of visitors may be considered paltry. However, we appreciate the subscribers, Facebook followers, and readers like yourself who support this site just by showing up. Thank you!
If you could do us one little favor, please give Thumbwind’s Facebook Page a Like or Follow if you haven’t already done so. Then you will get notified when updates or new posts occur.
Awesome. I’m glad you’re doing so well!