The Logging Camps of Elkland Michigan
Author and local historian Mark Putman takes a journey back to the 1800s, an era of the land speculation, logging, and development of Elkland Michigan, and Cass City
News & Fun in Michigan
Author and local historian Mark Putman takes a journey back to the 1800s, an era of the land speculation, logging, and development of Elkland Michigan, and Cass City
Public transportation services in Tuscola County Michigan has evolved from oxcart, stagecoach, rail and bus. We look back at its evolution.
The first pumpkin celebration took place forty-one years ago and was held in the days that were colder near the close of the month of October!
Historian and writer Mark Putman explores ten unique Native American words that derive place names in Michigan. A fascinating history of our evolving language.
In May of 1887, the Caro community voted on its first public water system. It would be built by a private company and be called the Caro Water Works.
The creation of the Caro Water Works Co. sought to solve problems of a small growing city in rural Michigan in the late 1800s.
The history and story behind the 115 year old Caro Michigan River Dam. It’s been a home to Native Americans and early Michigan settlers.
The Dam is falling into significant disrepair. If it fails the Cass river would become a mere creek which would greatly impact recreational boating and fishing.
Fortunately there is interest in refurbishing the historic structure.