Thumbwind Publications has chosen to work with a certain set of specific companies to advertise on our site. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and others. These are affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and other affiliated sites. Notice of this relationship is made with the following affiliate disclosure on our home page.
We are provided with a tracking link, that when a potential buyer clicks through on that link and makes the purchase, Thumbwind is given a commission.
No Extra Cost to You
If you click through an affiliate link, no extra cost will be added to your final price. Thumbwind may receive a small percentage back if you make a purchase. In some cases, you may get a discount for clicking through Thumbwind’s affiliate links.
Your Choice to Participate
Choosing to click through an affiliate link to purchase a product is completely up to you. Thumbwind does not manipulate you into buying something with false statements.
If you have any other questions about affiliate links, let us know on the Contact Form on the About Page. We will be glad to answer!