Michigan Moment – Remember When A Clear Ice Walk on Lake Huron Video Went Viral?

Lake Huron’s clear water conditions coupled with sub zero temperatures have created an unique and amazing ice walk video experience on north Saginaw Bay.

Lake Huron’s clear water conditions, coupled with sub-zero temperatures, have created a unique and amazing clear ice walk video experience on north Saginaw Bay. Gary Johnson took a walk on the ice near Greenbush, Michigan. He posted a video taken with his phone. The 2015 video went viral with over 80,000 views in three days. Today, the video has over 187,000 views.

sunset-on-lake-ice - Walking on Clear Ice
Sunset on Icy Lake

The video shows Lake Huron frozen clear to the surface, with rocks in the sand shown. Greenbush is located north of East Tawas and about 200 miles north of Detroit in Michigan’s northern lower peninsula.

How Clear Ice Forms on the Great Lakes

A clear ice walk like this is very rare in the Great Lakes. Water must be able to freeze very slowly so that impurities and air bubbles have a chance to sink or rise to the surface. Slow freezing also allows bigger ice crystals to form, which have few surfaces to scatter light. If the water is settled with a very little slit or other impurities, then there is a chance of forming clear ice. This phenomenon is common in inland lakes.

When Taking a Clear Ice Walk – Learn to be safe

Great Lakes Lake Coverage - Walking on Clear Ice
Some Ice in the Great Lakes Turns Blue Due to Algae

Walking, fishing, or snowmobiling on frozen lakes is hazardous even for the most knowledgeable and experienced outdoorsmen. We did a little research and found an excellent guide on ice safety and even how to survive if you ever were to fall through the ice when you are alone. See our post How to Survive Falling Through the Ice.

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Michael Hardy

Michael is the owner of Thumbwind Publications LLC. It started in 2009 as a fun-loving site covering Michigan's Upper Thumb. Since then, he has expanded sites and range of content and established a loyal base of 60,000 visitors per month.

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