7 Reliable Renewable Energy Systems You Can Use To Power Your Home

Homeowners have a wide variety of choices to implement renewable energy systems during their next build or remodel. This article will focus on the seven diverse renewable energy systems that homeowners can implement and use.
Renewable Energy Solar

The world is slowly shifting into an environmentally conscious setting in everything, whether in workplaces, homes, or manufacturing different home products. Even home-building advisors give most homeowners better building options that will help them save energy and reduce their utility bills. However, if you built your home long ago, don’t worry. You can still plan on doing a home renovation that adds these perfect inventions to your home. This article will focus on the seven diverse renewable energy systems homeowners can implement.

Considerations to Make When Choosing a Renewable Energy Source

Solar Installation - Renewable Energy Systems

The Contracting Company

Every person wants to buy products that are long-lasting and of good quality. Therefore, you must choose a licensed supplier with vast knowledge about these products and have a reasonable warranty period in case of any fault. Luckily, the suppliers also have professionals who can visit your residence to determine the best gadgets for your home. Also, after installation, they will do time to time maintenance checks to ensure they are working correctly. Therefore, do take your time and also get referrals so that you can settle on the best company.

Home Design & Location

Every home design and location are different. So, when deciding which renewable energy source to add, you should also consider the placement to ensure that it serves your home at its optimum levels. For example, your home design may determine the type of windows that you put in your home. Some may require large windows, or rather, you can invest in windows with built-in blinds, which will enhance your home’s ventilation and privacy. Additionally, these windows strengthen your home’s insulation, which helps save energy and save you from substantial utility bills. 

Energy Requirement

Just like in design and location, different homes have different energy needs. It also depends on how big your home is, the number of occupants, and the gadgets in your home. However, it would be good to purchase powerful devices that serve your needs appropriately.

Installation Costs

Most of these renewable sources of energy have low VAT to encourage people to use them more. However, ensure that you don’t get a contractor who takes advantage of such incentives and goes way beyond your budget and the reasonable needs for your home.

Planning Permissions

Your contractor should help you get the necessary approvals, if need be, from the local planning department before you begin the installation process. You don’t need to be on the wrong side of the law as you do your projects.

Adding Renewable Energy Systems to Your Home

Solar Maintenance

Homeowners now have many affordable choices when selecting new renewable energy generation systems. Many online resources delve into the feasibility and steps of building your own solar panel system. Look to a comprehensive guide to empower homeowners to take a DIY approach to solar energy. We found seven solutions that can be installed individually or as a hybrid renewable energy system.

#7 – Rooftop Solar Panels

Solar panels have to be one of the most common ways that most people can benefit from renewable energy. Most of them are installed on the rooftop since it’s perceived to be the best place where they can tap and soak in a lot of sunlight. The sunlight flows into the solar cells and converts the radiation into electricity. 

If you want to experience the best solar panels, install solar photovoltaic (PV) panels. These are strong, reliable, low-maintenance, and can generate high power over a long time. However, whichever solar panel you choose, ensure that it’s well-fitted into the roofing system and it’s not in a shady area for it to receive and soak in the much-needed sunlight.

Photovoltaic Solar Potential Maps

US Solar Results
Map obtained from the “Global Solar Atlas 2.0, a free, web-based application is developed and operated by the company Solargis s.r.o. on behalf of the World Bank Group, utilizing Solargis data, with funding provided by the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP). For additional information: https://globalsolaratlas.info
South Africa Solar
Map obtained from the “Global Solar Atlas 2.0, a free, web-based application is developed and operated by the company Solargis s.r.o. on behalf of the World Bank Group, utilizing Solargis data, with funding provided by the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP). For additional information: https://globalsolaratlas.info

#6 – Solar Oven

I’m sure most of you didn’t know such gadgets existed. However, this is an essential kitchen gadget, especially on those random days when you experience power outages, since they trap the sunlight to heat food as long as there’s sunshine. Yes, the food may take longer than usual to prepare or heat up, but the best thing about it is that it’s all free. However, if you want to decrease the cooking time, preheat the empty oven outside under direct sunlight as you prepare the ingredients. So, if you can get this suitable kitchen addition, why not buy it for such days instead of eating cold food?

#5 – Wind Turbines

DIY Wind Turbine
Bildet er tatt av Kevin Phillips fra Pixabay

There’s often a misconception that wind turbines are noisy and can only be installed in massive and wide-open spaces. Most rural residents use wind turbine renewable energy systems to pump water, grind grain, and generate electricity for their shops or farms. The reality is, there are also smaller wind turbines that are equally effective for your home. It should work effectively if the turbine is installed in the tallest and unobstructed building section that doesn’t interfere with the spinning blades. 

Noise Levels of Wind Turbines

The modern turbines aren’t as noisy as most people imagine. An industrial wind turbine, for example, is normally located 300 meters (984 ft) or more away from a residence. A turbine’s sound pressure level will be 43 dB at such a distance. That’s around the same decibel level as a typical air conditioner or most refrigerators (50 dB) (40 decibels).

#4 – Biomass Energy

Biomass is yet another great alternative to traditional energy production. It requires burning renewable organic resources, commonly from plants, especially wood, animals waste, or sewage. The energy is then stored, and the heat generated from it is mainly used for cooking in homes. Alternatively, you can use the energy produced from biogas to produce electricity, heat buildings, and power vehicles. 

#3 – Hydropower Systems

This option is not likely to favor most people since it requires your property to be close to a water source. However, if you’re close enough to a water source, then it’s time to take advantage of it the right way. The clever way to do it is to look for a good diversion of water to a generator. The process is a bit technical, but a certified engineer will help you set that up in the right way. 

A good setup will ensure that your home is well-powered with the electricity you need. This same principle is applied by companies operating power plants. At least, using hydroelectric power saves them substantial electricity costs.

#2 – Geothermal Heat Pump

The name originated from its ability to absorb heat from the earth’s surface to your home and transfer the hot air to the ground. The pump is suited to work in both areas since it’s manufactured to perform optimally on any ground surface. Instead of using the regular AC to heat and cool your home, you can opt for this as it requires less maintenance and it’s also cheap. Also, you don’t have to worry about living in a hot or cold place. However, you will need to hire a professional with extensive knowledge and experience to ensure that it’s installed at the right place and working as it should.

#1 – Smart Gadgets

With the continually growing technological advancements, there has been constant innovation and upgrading of home gadgets that regulate energy usage in your home, whether you’re there or not. The most common devices of this kind are smart thermostats. 

These devices can be configured to independently control your temperature preferences and automatically adjust to suit them whether you’re home or away. As a result, they will always ensure your home is kept at a comfortable level whether you’re home or not. Other smart gadgets that can help you save energy include:

  • Energy-saving bulbs or motion sensor lighting
  • Eco-chargers
  • Smart fridges
  • Home energy monitor

Final Thoughts on remodeling of hybrid renewable energy systems

Rooftop Solar

If you’ve not yet built your home, it will be a great idea to think critically of the future and how to keep costs low by modeling hybrid renewable energy systems. It would not be ideal to move from a rental home to your newly built home and continue with the same struggles. If you’ve already built your home, identify the best renewable energy system by qualified professionals that can be flawlessly added to your home. If you decide to go for grid integration of renewable energy systems, you may save more money as you also make the environment better.

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