Motorcycle Injury Crash in Washington Township

Huron County Sheriff

September 16, 2024 at 9:56?AM
Washington Township – On September 12, 2024, at approximately 3:21 P.M., Sanilac County Central Dispatch received a 911 call reporting a two-vehicle personal injury crash in the 3600 block of Sanilac Rd. in Washington Township. Sanilac County Sheriff’s Deputies, Sanilac EMS, and the Carsonville Fire Department were dispatched to the scene.

The initial investigation by deputies determined that a 2012 Ducati motorcycle, driven by a 42-year-old Washington Township man, was traveling westbound on Sanilac Rd. The motorcyclist failed to yield to a Case loader tractor hauling a tank trailer, which was also westbound and turning left into a private driveway. The Case tractor was driven by a 55-year-old Carsonville man.

In an attempt to avoid striking the tractor, the motorcyclist left the roadway and collided with a roadside farm stand. He was treated at the scene by Carsonville Fire and Sanilac EMS before being transported to McKenzie Hospital for further treatment.

Alcohol and drugs are not believed to be factors in the crash. 

Malcom Mott

Malcom Mott is our junior editor and contibrutes outside publications to various sites at Thumbwind Publications. He is also editor at Mitten Expedition.

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