Craft brewing is a great home hobby. Just about anyone with a pail, grains, malt and yeast can make a batch of simple ale in a few weeks. It makes for some interesting earthy smells in the kitchen that many folks love when brewing up a batch. If you are a homebrewer, you may be interested in taking your latest home brews up to Caseville for Thumb Brewery’s 2021 Homebrewing Competition.

Thumb Brewery’s Lauren Formicola gave us the details. “This is a free homebrewing competition, and there is no entry fee. Each participant may enter up to four different beers. Up to one of each category; Stouts, IPAs, Ambers, and Experimental.”
Lauren went on to note, “The first place brewing recipes will be featured in Thumb Brewery’s Fall and Winter season.”
Entering Thumb Brewery’s Homebrewing Competition

All entries must complete a registration form and drop off their beers at The Thumb Brewery, in Caseville, Michigan, by October 17th. Judging will take place between October 18th – 22nd, and the winners will be announced on the 23rd.
For a registration packet, please email and include “Home Brew” in the subject line. We were given an advance copy of the homebrewing completion announcement that you can review.