Ubly Michigan’s Foundation Is As Strong in 2022 Has It Was In 1900

We take a look at how Ubly Michigan has changed, or not, over the past 120 years.
Ubly Main Street circa 1900 - Courtesy Minden City Herald
Ubly Main Street circa 1900 - Courtesy Minden City Herald

We have made a little arrangement with the Minden City Herald to exchange stories from time to time. Nathan and Amber Mark’s weekly paper has covered the lower Thumb since 1889. We are thrilled to offer some of their content from time to time. The following article about Ubly, Michigan is the first to serve and expand our coverage of the greater Michigan Thumb area.

Now And Then: Ubly | by Nathan Marks

A lot can change in a century. While some historic landmarks have been preserved in a similar condition for decades or centuries, other historical places can vary greatly – like downtown Main Street in small towns across America.

Main Street Ubly is one of those places, rich with history, though not the kind one will find in textbooks. Main Street in a small town is a monument to a community banded together, building a commercial district that would become a vital part of life in rural America.

Ubly Main Street circa 1900 - Courtesy Minden City Herald
Ubly Michigan Main Street circa 1900 – Courtesy Minden City Herald

Windows have been added, removed, or otherwise altered. There are no longer hitching posts aligned down the street. What once were two separate buildings have now been joined as one. But the bones of these old buildings remain largely intact.

Ubly Michigan 2020
Ubly Michigan Main Street August 2020 – Courtesy Minden City Herald

One can still see the distinct architectural designs along the rooftops and across the middle of these buildings. Angelina’s Eatery and Hugo Brew Company do occupy the largest of the three buildings. They, as well as the rest of the businesses in downtown Ubly, represent the resolute spirit of the American dream. They are keeping the downtown of a small rural community thriving and within the buildings where the town’s pioneers laid its foundations.

Reprinted by permission by Nathan Marks; editor of Minden City Herald. To subscribe, visit the publication’s website at MindenCityHerald.com

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Nathan Marks

Nathan Marks is the owner and editor of the Minden City Herald

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