The Pinnebog Wind Farm is located in Huron County, Michigan. It consists of thirty GE 1.7 MW turbines located producing a rated 50MW of power. The park is located on approximately 14,000 acres.
The project was one of the larger ones in the Thumb. Over 23 miles of buried collection feeds, 34 road crossings including a 1,100’ boring under the Pinnebog River.
The project was started and completed in 2016. The height of each of the 30 turbines at the wind farm is just under 300 feet. The size of a 28 story building. The wind park is mixed in and reported with the larger Echo Wind Park.
Pinnebog Wind Park Information
- Pinnebog/Echo Wind Farm Dynamic Map from USGS – This is the physical map showing the wind farm layout in Michigan.
- Pinnebog/Echo Wind Farm Monthly Megawatt Production from EIA – Showing power generated and reported over several years.
- Incidents Reported – Accidents and incidents occurring on Michigan wind farms and reported in publicly available media.