Michigan Wind Energy Map Updated

Our highly viewed Michigan Wind Farm Map has been updated with new wind farm project information and updates.
Michigan Wind Farm Map Sample

Michigan Wind Energy Map

Our highly viewed Michigan Wind Farm Map has been updated with new wind farm project information and updates. All entries have been enhanced with detailed information. Our newest addition links to wind farm power output provided by U.S. Energy Information Administration. 

  • Wind Farm Name
  • Description
  • Capacity in MegaWatts
  • Number of Turbines
  • Power Consumer
  • Link to more information
  • Link to power reporting output from EIA
  • Bill Would Allow Beach Grooming But May Threaten Right to Walk Along the Shore – Back in 2012, Senate Bill 1052 would let beach owners groom their beaches without requiring a permit from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. This ability has been a goal of groups such as Save our Shoreline who have been fighting to regain control over beach areas on behalf of waterfront owners for 12 years.
  • Google-backed Wind Power Line Clears Hurdle – From 2012. The Chicago Tribune is reporting that a proposed Atlantic Wind Connection (AWC) line has passed its first regulatory hurdle. The $5 billion transmission line to send power from wind farms off the East Coast are allowed. The $5 billion transmission line to send power from wind farms off the East Coast are allowed. The Google-backed project to move to the next step in the approval process.
  • Detroit Zoo to Get 100% Michigan Renewable Energy – The Detroit Zoological Society announced that the Detroit Zoo will be powered by 100% Michigan-made renewable energy through DTE Energy’s MIGreenPower program. DTE will source renewable energy from three new wind parks that will come online in late 2020.
  • Michigan Thumb Reject Wind Projects – Voters in Michigan’s Upper Thumb rejected proposals that would have allowed two wind farm projects to proceed in Huron county. In a referendum held on May 2, 2017 voters defeated a proposal for a renewable energy project by DTE Energy extending just under 17,000 acres.
  • Apple Blossom Wind Farm – Apple Blossom Wind Farm was constructed by Sempra Renewables. This is a 100-megawatt (MW) wind farm project located in Huron County, Michigan. The wind farm’s footprint spans McKinley and Winsor Townships.
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Michael Hardy

Michael is the owner of Thumbwind Publications LLC. It started in 2009 as a fun-loving site covering Michigan's Upper Thumb. Since then, he has expanded sites and range of content and established a loyal base of 60,000 visitors per month.

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