Hopefully we will find Gibby’s of Northern Michigan at our local Huron Community fair in Bad Axe this summer.
The origins of who first invented the concept of the French fry or “Pomme Frits” ( The French word for potato is “pomme de Terre,” or “fruit of the earth” ) looks not to have been from France but a short distance north. It was Belgium, where historians claim potatoes were being fried up in the 1600s. Villagers sliced potatoes and fried them with small fish. Thus, the first fast food may have originated as Fish and Chips, and French Fries came out of the same economic cooking method.
During World War I, American soldiers stationed in Belgium learned about this simple way to fry up spuds. Since the Belgians spoke French, the doughboys nicknamed the fried potatoes “French fries.” The name stuck, and France underhandly got the credit.
In Belgium, French fries are served with homemade mayonnaise. The UK likes its malt vinegar, while over in Canada, Quebec’s province has exported entre of fries are smothered in beef gravy and cheese curds for a hangover cure concoction called Poutine. These influences came to America; the homemade french fries the Gibby’s makes are delicious for their simplicity.
Huron Community Fair Celebrates 150 years – The highlight festival time in the Thumb kicks off this year at the 150th Huron Community Fair, running Sunday through Saturday, July 29 – August 4th! The fair opens Sunday, July 29, with free parking.
13 of the Best Attractions in Michigan Thumb – With over 90 miles of shoreline, Michigan’s Thumb offers plenty of attractions. There is always something to do or see near the tip of the Thumb. Most are free, the fun is finding and exploring things to do in Michigan’s Upper Thumb. How many have you been to?
How to Fry Up the Most Perfect Walleye – Walleye is a freshwater fish native to Canada and the Northern United States. This tasty fish is also called Walleye Pike and Yellow Walleye. It gets it name from its eyes which can see in turbid deep waters. It is a white, tender, mild tasting fish that is sought out by sportsmen and commercial fisheries in the Great Lakes. Our tips can be applied to any firm fish that can be fried.
Buy Awesome Pasties at Caseville Helping Hands Thrift Store – Helping Hands Thrift Shop on Main Street in Caseville. This is a mission of the Caseville United Methodist Church and is one of the most highly rated thrift shops in the region according to ratings on Yelp and Google. While not as big as those in the metro Detroit area, its clean, well-stocked and seems to turnover its inventory at a rapid pace.
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Now you did it. I’m hungry for fries – real fries. Those big, fat ones from Gibby’s looked great.
LOL…just add it to my covid waistline.