Busy Beavers Lodging at Huron County Nature Center Near Port Austin Michigan
Naturalists at the Huron County Nature Center noticed a family of beavers building a lodge in a marsh on HCNC property.
News & Fun in Michigan
Environment News feature stories and posts dealing with environmental concerns of the Great Lakes, Michigan and Upper Thumb region. This included Water Quality and Pollution in the upper Great Lakes.
Check our environmental news posts from those highlighted below.
Naturalists at the Huron County Nature Center noticed a family of beavers building a lodge in a marsh on HCNC property.
The Washington Post published an article this week that signaled an ominous warning. “Earth’s lakes are warming at a feverish pace, with the Great Lakes leading the way” It’s looking more and more like the Great Lakes water temps are experiencing …
Millions of acres of state-owned Michigan forests provide the setting for innovative Carbon Credits Project between the MDNR and DTE Energy.
The Huron County Health Department has closed Caseville County Park’s Bathing Beach due to high E.coli levels.
Thumbwind is publishing the most current Michigan DEQ beach closures and advisories reported on the 1224 public and 572 private beaches.
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources has issued a warning about Oak Wilt fungus being extremely prevalent this Spring and Summer.
One of the trees that are susceptible to the disease is the Northern Pin Oaks which are prevalent along the shore and in the dune forests and wood lots in the Upper Thumb.
The Ohio DNR reduces limit for Yellow Perch on Lake Erie due to low stocks of the popular fish.
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife will reduce the limits for perch fishing in the central zone beginning Saturday, May 1, 2021.
The next time you brush your teeth or wash your face you may be contributing to adding plastic into the Great Lakes.