Michigan Genealogy – 10 Million Records Available To Family Tree Researchers Online

Those researching Michigan Genealogy have a new resource provided by the Archives of Michigan and the Michigan DNR. Over 10 million records including death and naturalization records, which family researchers use to learn more about their family’s history.
Michigan Genealogy
Michigan Genealogy - Capitol Dome
Michigan Dome: Michigan Department of Natural Resources

Each year, thousands of researchers look for records, photographs, and maps that tell Michigan’s accounts to tour the Archives of Michigan in Lansing, which is part of the Department of Natural Resources Michigan History Center. In addition, tens of thousands of guests visit the archives’ online collections. This year Michigan genealogy got a huge boost with a new archival website that has gone online this fall.

The archives launched Michiganology.org, a new Michigan genealogy website that makes more than 10 million records available online, free of charge. These documents include death and naturalization records, which family researchers use to learn more about their family’s history.

The new website replaces “Seeking Michigan,” the archives’ first online platform for sharing digital records. SeekingMichigan.org went live in March 2009 with nearly 1 million records.

Over the past ten years, the software used to develop the Seeking Michigan website has become obsolete and difficult to update. Furthermore, hundreds of thousands of new digital records overloaded the system. The archives team determined that although Seeking Michigan was unique, it was time to create a new system with more capacity to better serve the public.

Planning the New Michigan Genealogy Site

Michigan Genealogy - Planning

In 2012, archives staff began planning a large-scale move of its digital records onto a new platform. Archives staffers helped Michigan become the first state to adopt the Preservica preservation system, which allows the archives to preserve better digital versions of paper records and the increasing flow of ” born-digital records.”

“Michiganology’s mission is to foster curiosity, enjoyment, and inspiration rooted in Michigan’s stories,” said state archivist Mark Harvey. “The new website is where visitors become ‘Michiganologists,’ people who are curious about Michigan, share its stories and understand and take pride in Michigan’s unique identity.”

“With more and more documents being created on computers, and with a never-ending flow of information being shared online in social media platforms, it was critical that the archives adapt its systems and processes to ensure that these records are preserved for the future” said Jessica Harden, state government records archivist. She spearheaded the archives’ initiatives to preserve social media accounts for public officials, including immediate past Gov. Rick Snyder.

In addition to introducing its digital records into the new Preservica system, archives staff developed the Michiganology.org website that provides broad public access to the state’s records.

More Ways to Search for Genealogy Records

Engagement archivist Jill Arnold took the lead on the website’s development, which included creating three different methods to search for records. The variety of search options accommodates how people look for information.

Arnold also worked with Michigan History Center education and engagement staff to develop articles and activities on Michigan history topics that also are featured on the website.

“While our biggest priority was making the state’s records available online, we also wanted Michiganology to become the home for Michigan history information,” Arnold said. “The website includes more than 50 short articles about interesting items in the archives, little-known stories about people, places, events, and more. We are adding more stories every week.”

Historical Records of the Wildlife Division

The archives also hold records relating to the history of the DNR. For example, between 1927 and 2012, the department’s wildlife division conducted an 85-year photography project to capture annual images on DNR-managed land across the state from the same position. The photographs document changes to landscapes over time and are valuable to biologists and others seeking to understand changes in wildlife habitats. These photographs now reside in the Archives of Michigan.

Michiganology Supports Teachers and School Programs

The website is also the new home for the Michigan History Center’s K-12 educational resources. The “Learn” section of the website contains grade-level-appropriate reading materials and activities for students, as well as teacher background information on content related to Michigan state teaching standards.

“We are just starting to develop these new resources based on teacher feedback,” said Rachel Clark, the center’s education specialist. “We started with Michigan’s statehood era, which is a key part of third-grade learning standards. We will add more topics for all grade levels as the site develops.”

The New Genealogy Site Expected to Grow

Michigan Genealogy - Family History
Family Search: Michigan Department of Natural Resources

Staffers are continually monitoring and making improvements to the Michiganology website. Plans for an enhanced document viewer and more robust search capabilities are developing.

“Moving 10 million records is a major endeavor, and there have been some minor glitches,” Arnold said. “We will continue to work out bugs, listen to users and work to better serve the public as we fine-tune the website.”

Staffers also are working on adding new resources to the website. They streamline and upload collections indexes, allowing users to see records across collections and research more efficiently.

An ongoing partnership with FamilySearch.org is digitizing, indexing and making thousands of new local government records available online, including more than 7 million naturalization records.

Michigan Genealogy and Historical Reprints Available

Michigan Genealogy - Puzzle Making
Puzzle Making: Michigan Department of Natural Resources

The new website also includes the archives’ Michiganology store. In 2009, the archives began reproducing photographs, maps, and other archival materials as high-quality prints, puzzles and magnets. Items are made by staff and volunteers in a special workshop at the Michigan History Center in Lansing. The proceeds from the sales support the educational and public programs at the Michigan History Center.

“Michiganology.org is an important tool to connect Michiganders to public records, education resources and the history of the state,” Harvey said. “It is the best place to learn about the state you love. We encourage you to explore it and find your story. And we are here to help.”

Source & Credits

From the story Showcasing the DNR: Calling all Michiganologists, By TOBI VOIGT, Michigan Department of Natural Resources

Ora Labora Michigan – A Little Colony in the Wilderness – The history of the Thumb’s Ora Labora Michigan colony in the 1860s generates intense interest. It was a grand experiment. Establish a religious community of like-minded folks in the Michigan wilderness and create a viable town. It was stuff that reality TV shows like Survivor started. 

102 Years Ago in Harbor Beach History – 102 years ago, illustrations started to appear in the newspapers of Michigan’s Upper Thumb. The following was on the front page of the Harbor Beach Times on January 5th, 1917. Was food scarce?

History of the Name Pointe Aux Barques – The modern history of Pointe Aux Barques Cottage Community begins in 1896. Stanford Crapo, an official of the Pere Marquette Railroad, saw the area’s possibilities as a lakeside resort for Detroit’s socialites.

How the City of Bax Axe Almost Lost Its Cool Name – Unsuccessful efforts to change the name of Bad Axe were made before 1900, in 1907, and again in 1909. A score of new names was suggested, including Hubbard, Axworthy, Huronia, Huron, and Huron City.

The Last Time a Michigan Governor Shut Down Their State – 105-years ago, Michigan governor Albert Sleeper, a Republican from the Thumb Region, was faced with a similar health catastrophe. The Spanish Flu was a global pandemic that started in the spring of 1918. The virus was raging in Michigan. Every county had reported cases.

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Those researching #Michigan #Genealogy have a new resource provided by the Archives of Michigan and the Michigan DNR. Over 10 million records including death and naturalization records, which family researchers use to learn more about their family’s history.

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Malcom Mott

Malcom Mott is our junior editor and contibrutes outside publications to various sites at Thumbwind Publications. He is also editor at Mitten Expedition.

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5 thoughts on “Michigan Genealogy – 10 Million Records Available To Family Tree Researchers Online

  1. I’d LOVE to search my Grandfather’s family history but I’m on social security & I’m afraid of how long it might take me. Is there a possibility you’ll have a discounted rate?

  2. Michiganology.org is a free website and so is FamilySearch.org. They both have lots of documents. If you live downriver in southeast Michigan, come to the Downriver Genealogical Society Library and we can help you get started.

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