The Fading Days of Michigan’s Bach General Store

The Bach General Store, long since closed. Once the center of the community, these shops were common in the days before Walmart and Dollar General.

COVID-19 : Despite Stay Home Stay Safe Orders, Folks are Still on the Move

On March 24th Gretchen Whitmer’s order to “Stay Home, Stay Safe” was a shutdown of the nonessential business due to the coronavirus outbreak. The data for the Michigan COVID-19 Mobility Report implies that there has been a drop of travel to retail stores, recreational centers, pharmacies, and grocery stores. However travel to parks and outdoor areas has increased since the executive order.

Results of Thumbwind’s Covid Impact Survey

We received responses from 209 subscribers. The survey revealed that the pandemic had affected the lives of a majority of the respondents. While the survey and the results are not scientific, they offer a glimpse of how folks have been affected by the worst pandemic in over 100 years.