An alarming update from the U.S. drought monitor, according to a new report, 55 percent of the country is experiencing drought conditions. The drought has been spreading since the beginning of September and now covers more of the national Nation than it has since April.
Shared with Canada and traversing more than 750 miles from West to East, these immense inland freshwater seas provide water for consumption, transportation, power, and recreation. The Great lake’s basin hosts 84% of North America’s freshwater. About 21% of the world’s supply of surface freshwater. 10% of the U.S. population, 30 million people, and more than 30% of the Canadian population depend on the Great Lakes for drinking water.
The Great Lakes are also an economic resource. Great Lakes shipping accounts for 33,000 jobs and about $4 billion in direct revenue. The value of the content shipped across Great Lake waters is estimated at over $15 billion, with over 123,000 jobs depending on it.
Those who have studied this issue are pretty aware that that’s darn near impossible to suck any significant water from the Great Lakes. Economically such a project would cost in the 100’s of dollars more to maintain. The Great Lakes Compact, where both the United States and Canada are signatories, prevents water removal from the Great Lakes watershed. However, from time to time, the idea is still floated about.
That does not mean to say that the Great Lakes are wholly protected. Foreign companies such as Nestle pumps 400 gallons a minute out of the aquifers in the region. Then, they sell it back to us in plastic water bottles. Dempsey argues that the aquifer that Nestle has tapped into is equivalent to the size of Lake Huron and could be considered a sixth Great Lake.
The water levels on the lakes are such a substantial economic and recreational issue that I now give a monthly summary of the Great Lakes Water Levels from the Army Corps of Engineers – Detroit District.
Soon, it’s entirely possible that the entire Great Lakes Region could become an oasis for a water-starved America. Suppose climate change results in larger areas of the United States being stricken by drought. One extreme drought forecast said the western states could be in this situation for hundreds of years. In that case, you could forecast an exodus of people and businesses moving in to seek our precious water and moderate climate.
“Lake Michigan may be coming to Idaho.”
That’s what an Idaho radio commentator said in June 2021. Holding approximately 20% of the world’s surface freshwater, the Great Lakes are again a target for the drought-ridden West, facing climate change, massive fires, and shrinking water supplies. And in a potentially far more significant threat, Wall Street is creating markets that could lead to the trading of freshwaters as a commodity like corn or oil. As a result, the Great Lakes are in danger of becoming privately exploited on a large scale by those who have priorities other than stewardship.
In Great Lakes for Sale, Dave Dempsey offers surprising, even controversial, ideas on preventing the fulfillment of this nightmare scenario. They include an attack on water commercialization, curbing abuse of the Great Lakes Compact, and devising plans for limited sharing of the Great Lakes to forestall humanitarian disasters. But, if the Great Lakes are to remain significant, new thinking and action will be required.
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What the Government needs to do to save the drought-stricken west is to follow the example of Israel and build desalination plants to convert ocean water into fresh water. In fact, the world should adapt this practice to help control the rising ocean waters and refill the starving aquifers.
Excellent idea.
I agree that his idea is excellent. Draining our lakes is not the answer. Some years our water levels are high and others they’re so low that boats get stuck and can’t get out. Taking our water until it’s gone is not a good idea.
We definitely need to shut down Nestle and others from “stealing” Great Lakes water. The cost of the water for them is a few measly bucks for a well permit. Then they can ship it all over the world. Almost pure profit. And a huge global plastic garbage problem to boot.
Well, you just start building basin to capture the rain water. The problem is solved then sell the extra run off to West for profit.
The best part of living in the Midwest we will always get rain due to located right by Canada
Good point and idea