Mobility Aids

Seniors – Enhance Your Home With These 5 Life-Changing Handy Mobility Aids

With any luck, most of us will come to the point where we’ll need to be able to set up precautionary measures to protect ourselves from trips, falls, or other accidents. With mobility aids and accessibility tools, a senior citizen can safely stay in the family home seniors know and love.

And as technology progresses, so do the various aids available to help the elderly’s quality of life. We’ve put together this list to help you find the right household types of mobility aids for you or to help you enhance the home of a loved one. Take a look and see what new products could fit your needs. 

Regain Home Accessibility With a Stairlift Elevator

Perhaps we’re cheating with this first selection because the stairlift is a tried and tested aid for any multi-level home. Fitted directly to your stairs, residents can travel between floors in their houses without pain or strain. This is one of those mobility aids that can make a urge difference in the ability to stay in your current home.

A standard stairlift can cost between $400 and $1,200, with additional costs for installation. Once a stairlift is no longer needed in the home, you can use an uplift service like to take it away and receive some of your money back. 

Ensure Kitchen Safety With A Universal Kettle Tipper

The most basic inventions are also usually the most helpful. That’s the category that the universal kettle tipper falls into. This simple gadget can help the elderly or infirm handle their kettle without fear of hurting themselves if they have a weak or painful grip. 

Most kettle tippers work with a small lever at the side of the device. Simply use the lever; the kettle will move as needed. THis is one of those mobility aids that you wonder why it isn’t universal. This handy device will also usually cost less than $30. 

Medicine Dispenser By MedMinder

At first glance, the MedMinder looks like any bog-standard pill dispenser. But this hi-tech kit allows loved ones to monitor which pills you’re taking and provides reminders to ensure you take pills when you’re supposed to. As well as prompts to the users themselves, texts or other alerts will notify relatives if medication has been missed. 

Not only that, but MedMinder features a screen that can display the weather forecast, family photos, and medical notices relating to the medication the user needs to take. Although it’s currently only available in the US, this invention will become a household name in a few years. 

Re-Engage In Conversation and Hear The TV With AI Hearing Aids

Using cutting-edge technology, AI-powered hearing aids are the future of hearing inside and outside the home. When placed into ‘edge’ mode, these smart hearing aids can isolate the most important sounds in a noisy room, like a partner’s conversation or a television set, and make those sounds louder and easier to understand

These new and exciting iterations of hearing mobility aids also offer similar functionality to a tablet device, allowing users to listen to their favorite podcasts, audiobooks, and music and make phone calls. This tech isn’t cheap enough for the average user yet – it’ll set you back around $6,000 for a pair – but expect these to hit it big when they reduce in price. 

Stand Assist Mobility Aid

Rising from a sitting position is a challenge for many seniors—especially those with PAD, knee, and hip conditions. When standing up or sitting down, a straightforward and reasonably priced stand-assist lift is the ideal assistant and offers balanced, safe, and stable support. This is one of the compact mobility aids enable users who require extra leverage to easily get out of most couches, chairs, or recliners. Note: This product might not be appropriate for highly soft padded seat surfaces. Use just on firm surfaces.

Final Thoughts on Senior Citizen Mobility Aids

The ability to stay at home for as long as you can is a significant consideration for aging adults. The products reviewed above aim to help with that in their unique way – from keeping seniors active and healthy to helping them age in place and communicate with friends, family, and even strangers, the home care products industry has remarkably advanced (and affordable) mobility aids for seniors, bathroom safety devices, kitchen products and more that can help enrich the lives of aging adults every day.

That’s our list. What mobility aids do you recommend for inside the home? Let us know in the comments below. 

Annette Hinshaw

Annette Hinshaw is a retired retail business woman from Adrian, Michigan. She is currently freelancing and actively writing. Annette has a keen interest in geneology and she is involved in a project called MittenExpedition.

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