Michigan Deer Season: The #1 Big Buck Pole at Scotts

Scotty's Truck Stop

During Michigan deer season, Scott’s Quick Stop is a great mid-way break if you’re driving back and forth between the Thumb and the Detroit area. During the start of the season, it’s a must-stop to see the buck pole. Ice Cream, Gas, and Ammo, it’s unique combination that seems to work. The truck stop sits on the intersection of M-46 and M-53 right smack in the middle of God’s county.

Ammo and Ice Cream Break on M-53

Scotty's Truck Stop

Forty-five minutes into our trip back to Detroit from the shoreline of the upper thumb, I find a need to stop.  We’ve found a convenient, quirky place to stretch your legs enjoy ice cream, and browse semi-automatic weapons. Scott’s Quick Stop is located north of Marlette on the corner of Van Dyke (M53) and Sanilac (M46) Roads.

The truck stop sports a huge parking lot and always has a steady stream of cars. The main draw outside of gassing up is their ice cream. For a couple of bucks, you can get two huge scoops on a real waffle cone. While you’re enjoying your cone you can also browse a huge sporting goods area with guns and ammo of every type. It’s an odd combination but somehow it works. 

If you have a piece of land and hunt, Scott’s just about always has deer corn, salt licks, carrots, and other bait pile offerings. We pick up a bag of carrots from time to time during the late season and spread those out near the bird feeders with the hope that the deer will leave the birdseed alone and go for the carrots. Sometimes it works.

Opening Day of Deer Season

Opening Day of Michigan Deer Season
Scotty’s Yearly Buck Pole

The other unique draw of Scotts happens during the opening day of the deer season. You’ll notice “The Buck Pole” on the side parking lot. During opening day hunters from all over the thumb place their buck for display and compete of prizes. There have been several record-setting bucks brought in to Scotts. In 2010 an 18 point was taken near Bad Axe with an unconfirmed score of 198. Scotts keeps a picture of all the top bucks harvested and displayed on its buck pole.

Scotty's Truck Stop
Ice Cream is a Must.

So if you’re heading up to Cheeseburger in Caseville, deer hunting in Huron County, or coming back from a day at the beach it’s worth pulling in to Scott’s Quick Stop if only for a quick look around.

Michigan Deer Season Calendar 2021

Archery: Nov. 14 and Dec. 1 – Jan. 1, Extended Archery – Urban Deer Management Zone of Macomb, Oakland, and Wayne Counties: Open through January 31.
Regular Firearm: Nov. 15-30
Muzzleloading: Zone 1: Dec. 3-12, 2021, Zone 2: Dec. 3-12, 2021, Zone 3: Dec. 3-12, 2021
Late Antlerless Firearm: Dec. 13, 2021 – Jan.1, 2022

State Hunting Areas in Huron County

If you’re looking for places to bird or deer hunt in Huron County, the following are state-designated hunting areas. Be sure you know the boundaries and watch for markings when in the field.

Brookfield Township #1 State Game Area

Brookfield Township #1 State Game Area
Brookfield Township #1 State Game Area

Species in the Area: Ring-necked Pheasant

Brookfield Township #2 State Game Area

Brookfield Township #2 State Game Area - Deer Hunting in Huron County

Species in the Area: Ring-necked Pheasant

Gagetown State Game Area

Gagetown State Game Area - Deer Hunting in Huron County
Gagetown State Game Area

Species in the Area: Bobolink, Ruffed Grouse, Ring-necked Pheasant, Eastern Wild Turkey, Mallard.

Verona State Game Area

Verona State Game Area
Verona State Game Area

Oliver Township State Game Area

Oliver Township State Game Area
Oliver Township State Game Area

Rush Lake State Game Area

Rush Lake State Game Area Deer Hunting in Huron County
Rush Lake State Game Area

Species in the Area: American Bittern, Ruffed Grouse, Ring-necked Pheasant, Eastern Wild Turkey, Mallard.

Wildfowl Bay State Wildlife Area

Wildfowl Bay State Wildlife Area Deer Hunting in Huron County
Wildfowl Bay State Wildlife Area

Species in the Area – American Bittern, Eastern Wild Turkey, Mallard, Scaup


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Michael Hardy

Michael is the owner of Thumbwind Publications LLC. It started in 2009 as a fun-loving site covering Michigan's Upper Thumb. Since then, he has expanded sites and range of content and established a loyal base of 60,000 visitors per month.

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