Great Lakes Shipbuilding in Saginaw Bay During the Lumber Era

The times of greatest shipbuilding in the Great Lakes region was during the lumbering era. From 1839 until the early 1890s, the virgin old-growth Michigan forests were cut down to produce lumber for growing towns and cities in the lower Great Lakes. Michigan was the nation’s leading lumber producer from 1869 until about 1900. The only way to transport finished milled lumber from the shore side mills in the Great Lakes was by ship.

The Lucky History And Amazing #1 Power of the Caro Michigan Dam

The history and story behind the 115 year old Caro Michigan River Dam. It’s been a home to Native Americans and early Michigan settlers.

The Dam is falling into significant disrepair. If it fails the Cass river would become a mere creek which would greatly impact recreational boating and fishing.

Fortunately there is interest in refurbishing the historic structure.

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