'Video thumbnail for The Art of Steve Donahue'

The Art of Steve Donahue

visibility 6K views calendar_month Sep 24, 2022
publisher-humix thumbwind.com

Steven W. Donahue was born and grew up on his family farm near Port Hope. He moved away and started studying the arts, including photography, becoming an accomplished artist and photographer with over 50 years of work. I discovered that the photographer was Steven W. Donahue. Steven was born and grew up on his family farm near Port Hope. He moved away and started studying the arts, including photography, in Chicago. He was in the military during the Vietnam War and became an MP. Part of his job was photographing deaths and burials. A job I’m sure was not pleasant. From time to time, he would come back to his parent’s farm and photograph the area. Interested in learning more? Please visit us on our webpage: https://thumbwind.com See more of this stuff? Please subscribe to our channel! ? https://youtube.com/c/Thumbwind RELATED VIDEOS ? The Forgotten Storm - 1913 Great Lakes Hurricane: https://youtu.be/7f9IlQnOG2k ? Michigan’s Saginaw Trail: https://youtu.be/-hkpE5iwDHU ? History of Pointe Aux Barques https: //youtu.be/cWDAUf2QMNQ ? M-25 Michigan Fall Color Tour:https://youtu.be/nPKTmFPTTRY ? 1881 Michigan Fire - A pictorial: !https://youtu.be/bVV8TdcUB-k If you like what Thumbwind Publications is doing you can help us grow. 1 - Subscribe to Thumbwind’s YouTube channel: ? https://youtube.com/c/Thumbwind

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